Frontend Engineer
Skyshi Digital Indonesia
Frontend Developer
January, 2022 - Present
- Build ticket purchasing web app with GlobalTix on Baliekajaya, built with Angular.
- Build ticket purchasing web app with GlobalTix on Baligiliticket, built with Angular.
- Developing survey based app with AcuityQuick, using React and Tailwind CSS.
Skyshi Digital Indonesia
Frontend Developer Intern
October, 2021 - January, 2022
- Slicing design from figma to React component for CV template on gethired.id.
- Develop CV-Maker based app with React and Vuejs with requirement of sustainable user experience and user interface.
Computer and Informatics Management Academy of Serang
September, 2021 - Present
Semester 3 of Informatics Management Student.
Current GPA: 3.50.
Vocational High School of 8 Pandeglang
July, 2018 - May, 2021
Graduated in May, 2021.
Honorable Award:
- Student Competency and Expertise Test on building web app with PHP and MySQL.
Technologies: React, Vite, Next.js, React Query, Redux, Jotai, Zustand, Tailwind CSS, Vuejs, Angular, Supabase, Firebase, Vercel, Node.js.
Programming Languages: HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript.